Saturday, August 31, 2013


I have been soul searching, for what seems like my entire life. I have noticed I have strange connections to certain things, as I’m sure most people do. These connections are inexplicable attractions that set one person apart from another. We build our lives upon these attractions, and in most cases, they draw us in, and help to define who we are. In this case, I’m speaking about spiritual connections. My personal belief is that our past lives, and past experiences are the root causes for our present connections/attractions to specific objects, ideas, food, religion, events, career choices, even tv shows! (etc.)
I am a strong believer in karma, reincarnation, former lives, and the idea that everything in the world is interconnected in one way or another. I often ponder about my past lives and I am almost certain I was a witch in a past life… I know what you are probably thinking.. “this sounds strange, is she a devil worshipper? Does she really think she flew on broomsticks and set curses on people?! She must be crazy!” ……
Now before you jump the gun on this, all the above thoughts are misconceptions of “witchcraft” or it’s similar practice of “Wicca.” Witchcraft and Wicca alike, are both tranquil, safe, and harmonious practices and faiths. They have nothing to do with Satan! Satan is a figure in Christianity, which has nothing to do with the above…. Now before I get too in depth with this, Witchcraft is a practice, whereas Wicca is considered a religion that has stemmed from paganism. Wiccans usually practice witchcraft, but witches do not necessarily follow the wiccan faith… Again, I am straying too deep into the matter…. I am no expert, and am still researching and learning much about these spiritual matters… but back to the original topic….
I believe most people have at least one, unless you are what is thought of as a “new soul.” If you are interested in any of the above topics, I highly suggest you research all you can about it. It is all very intriguing,  enlightening, and has opened up both my logical mind and my artistic mind to new concepts and ideals.

These are just my personal views, and I have found that the soul searching and research I have done throughout the years has allowed me to grow as an artist and all around person.

I feel more connected with myself by freeing my mind, and learning about what could very possibly be a part of my past.

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